Elizabeth Hui
Elizabeth joined Marshall Day Acoustics in 1991 and works out of the Melbourne office.
Elizabeth graduated from Monash University with a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) with Honours in 1988. She worked in the automotive industry in the field of noise vibration and harshness (NVH), as well as training and development before joining MDA.
She has broad experience in sound insulation, building services noise control, planning and environmental noise, and has extensive experience in providing expert evidence at Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT).
Elizabeth retired from full-time work with MDA in 2013 but now works as a specialist consultant and is involved in select projects.
Environmental Noise
Qualifications & Memberships
B.Eng (Hons) Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering), Monash University
GradDipMgt Graduate Diploma of Management (Technology Management), APESMA/Deakin University
Fellow of Victorian Planning and Environmental Law Association (VPELA)